January 29, 2010

Stampington & Company Publications

For those of you not familiar with these publications I can't wait to tell you about them! I only learned about  Stampington and Company publications in the past several months myself. Their magazines are visually stunning! And if color and design moves you as much as it does me, prepare to be moved!! I can spend hours looking through these, becoming incredibly inspired!

Maybe your favorite art form or craft will be featured in one of their many magazines. I love learning about and making Waldorf Dolls but never considered soft art doll sculpting. I wasn't even exactly sure what it was. Now, after being exposed to it through the Art Doll publication, I look forward in the near future to trying my hand at it! I am wondering if what I have already learned about doll making might be incorporated into this different way of making dolls. If I combined the techniques...what would I have? That is what excites me!!

I have found half a dozen of these publications at my local B and N stores (I have only checked Newburgh and Kingston locations so far). They are displayed in the magazine section under "Art" and/or with the other "Crafts" magazines which are on two separate shelving displays. Some book stores have them under both categories. So look closely. You may also order them online, but I definitely recommend checking these out. Price per issue is $14.99.

The Artful Blogger has been helpful since I am blogging now. Maybe one day I will have a visually stunning blog! Wouldn't that be so awesome? Check it out:

And check out this Somerset Holidays and Celebrations:

I would love to know which of the Stampington Publications you already love or would love to have! Please  tell me about an art or craft publication that inspires your creative process. I look forward to your comments!

~debbie :)

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Yes, I am here and will really read your comments! I look forward to your comments, questions and insights. I love to respond to my blog followers. Thank you for reading Waldorf Inspired Dolls and Toys blog!
~debbie :)